Saturday, July 10, 2010


This summer I am pushing myself to read more. Late last year I asked the Lord to reveal more of Himself to me and He led me to dig deeper into His Word. So my goto everyday has been my bible and my devotional by Oswald Chambers which led me to start to search and start finding preachers and pastors who are passionate to proclaim the whole counsel of God. Therefore I have chosen books by John Piper, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Lee Camp. These theologians bring the meat and just keep it real to what following Jesus is really about. There are plenty more of theologians but felt led to read these.  If you have a chance to checkout these men of God for yourselves it will truly bless your walk. Here is my summer reading line up... well to keep it real it might take me til' the end of this year just because these books are loaded. If you do read them make sure you have your bibles open!  

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