For all of you who support Afresh, my apologies for staying away so long. I have been focusing a lot on family lately so I really haven't had any time to blog or stay updated. Thank you for your patience with the web store. We are working on new designs for the summer and will be closed until further notice. Starting June 21st Word of Life Christian Center will be having their Emerge 09 Conference all week so please if you are on the island come out and support. Even if you don't go to the church come out anyways for the real church is us and we are not confined by any walls. We just worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ anywheres so tell your peeps and come to this bomb conference happening all week. Also we will be setting up a booth all week in the coutyard so come by and see the new designs that will be dropping all week. Don't sleep!!! Here are some sneak peeks at some new designs dropping Starting this Sunday June 21st.