To all in this world who are loved by God and called to be his holy people. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Just released and available on the web store are two new tees for the fellas. First off is the logo tee in white with a carolina blue print which looks and feels oh so fresh and so clean... clean ya know what i mean! The next shirt labeled "SPIT LIFE" comes in an new navy blue shirt with a design in shimmering gold, white and black that jumps out at ya to get the message across. Inspired by the scripture proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit." This is a powerful scripture because it basically tells us we can either preserve life or can kill life with the words we speak. Our young generation needs to hear life spoken to them because pretty much the world is raising up this young generation to live a life that leads to certain death with all the hollow messages seen in the media and entertainment world. "SPIT" is the street vernacular for speak, deliver lyrics or just come with your words in such a way as to influence those who hear you to believe in what you say. So with that said let us "SPIT LIFE" into this young generation so we truly can have change for the better.